Now, I’m assuming you’ve decided to publish blog posts on your new blog by yourself or you’re looking to find a content creator to write for your business?
Regardless, it’s time to fill your site with some blog posts that convert searchers into readers.
And then converts those readers into subscribers, customers, or whatever.
Everyone knows that you can use email marketing tools to convert, but in this post, I’ll give you my top tips for creating the best content for your blog posts to convert.
Let’s accept the truth, not everyone is interested in everything you have to say in your blog posts.
You may have some good points in all, but the majority isn’t “interesting” enough to keep people from snoozing.
Or, possibly even worse, clicking that back button to back out of your blog’s content.
That, increases your bounce rate, and that’s not good for ranking your blog posts or good for anything on your blog for that matter.
I don’t doubt that all bloggers and businesses suffer from the lack of attention readers give their blog posts, but that’s why I’m here to share my best practices for blog content.
I want to make sure I give you the best copywriting tips and content strategies to get conversions.
Pay close attention, get the most out of this post. You won’t regret it because if you apply these top blog post practices, you’ll be converting more than ever.
Let’s get started, shall we? I’d like to assume you’re still reading. 😊
1. Capture Your Blog’s Audience’s Attention and Keep It
You want your readers to look like this.

Well actually maybe not, but let’s get into my main point.
Why is this first on my Top Tips for the Best Blog Post Content?
Simple. You might not read everything on this post.
But really, this is the single most important practice in writing content for your blog. If I were to narrow this article to one tip, it’d be this one.
It’s a combination of most of the others. The big picture.
This is literally stuff everyone knows a blog post needs for maximum conversions; it’s not even something that will require an aptitude test to seee whether you know.
Think about when someone clicks on the link to your blog post, or, even more importantly, before anyone clicks on the link to your blog content.
Imagine you’ve already got your blog post up and published on your blogging platform.
Let’s say it’s a good length, it’s optimized for conversions, and it’s good blog content in general.
Now someone’s coming along. They see your post. They click on your blog post.
Alright, let’s stop imagining.
Think about these questions.
- What makes them want to click?
- Why do you stand out?
- Why did they choose you?
- Where do they stand?
On top of these questions about your target audience, I want you to wonder how you can keep these people from leaving your blog.
It’s been proven that the average reader’s attention span only lasts 15 seconds.
That’s not a lot of time.
AND that’s assuming your blog post was attractive enough for them to even click on it.
In your content, you want to make sure you have the following.
- A Captivating Title / Headline For Your Blog Post
- Neat Looking Content
- Use Your Headings
- A Tone / Formality Your Content’s Audience Wants
- Stand Out Content Within Your Blog Post
- Some Color
- A Compelling CTA (Call To Action)
- Last, but certainly not the least important, SEO
Imagine your blog post is a puzzle. These are the pieces of that puzzle, the pieces that make the very content of your blog’s writing.
The picture doesn’t look good when it’s missing some pieces.
Neither does your blog’s content.
If you feel your 15 seconds of attention is up, feel free to stop here. But, unless you have a good reason not to, I would recommend you read on.
I’ll be describing each listed content writing tip in detail so you can optimize your blog post for conversions.
2. Have a Captivating Headline For Your Blog Post
Let’s start off with another scenario.
You’re reading a blog post online and an ad comes up that says “90% Discount for Limited Time for Such and Such.”
Let’s also say that you’re really susceptible. So you click on the ad.
Now we’re going to stop here.
Why did you click on the advertisement? What’s so interesting about a banner or a pop-up?
It was the headline.
I say we should have a moment of truth. We’re way more likely to buy something when there’s a “On Sale” or “Discount” tag attached to the product.
If a product was worth $100 and was on sale for $75, but wasn’t advertised as “25% Off,” what would you think the chances of that item making a sale would be?
Now compare that chance to the probability of a conversion if there was a sign saying “25% Off.”
Please tell me that your calculations proved that a good looking headline worked.
It’s the same concept when you’re writing a blog post.
When you are creating content for your blog, there is very likely going to be a lot of other people writing the same type of blog post.
It’s hard to be original. That’s why you have to make your headline original or at least stand out.
If your blog post doesn’t have an attractive headline, then it’s simply not optimized for conversions. It’s more like optimizing for wasting the traffic potential that blog post had.
Just accept this as the truth: your blog post’s title is the MVP of your blog’s content.
3. Your Blog Post Needs Neat Looking Content (Formatting)
“Neat-looking content” is a pretty broad range when you talk about blog posts.
But I’m going to start off with what isn’t covered in detail in the other best practices.
So, in essence, this means keep the blog post looking tidy.
How? Format the content for the blog post correctly. And use short paragraphs and headings.
If you take a close look at this blog post and pay attention to each paragraph, you’ll notice that there are barely any paragraphs that are longer than 2 lines.
What’s the point of this strategy? So the blog post doesn’t look stupid and boring.
Would you rather read standard book with a page filled with words in long paragraphs or would you rather read the content on this blog post?
That’s right, you’d better choose mine.
Another plus that writing short paragraph blog posts is that you’re audience will be able to skim through the information quicker.
They will learn more in less time.
The goal of your blog post is probably not to show people that you can write a neat essay or a book, but to get them to like you and your blog’s content.
4. Utilize Headings and Subheadings
Now you’ve got the paragraph formatting for your blog post down. But you still need to organize those paragraphs.
That’s why different types of headings are going to be important for your blog posts.
Your blog post title should be in the Heading 1 format, which is pretty much the biggest one there is. It stands out to the reader, as a title should.
Everything else, H2, H3, H4 heading, etc. is called a sub-heading. These are similar to chapters in a book.
I typically use H1 to H3 headings, but different blog posts differ in their needs.
This is my self-made, simple but punctual guide for headings:
- H1 for the blog post title, obviously
- H2 for my main points in the content
- H3 for different parts of those points, possibly a list like in this blog post about the best digital marketing jobs
- H4 would be optimal for list / review of items in a list if it’s important, but normally I really wouldn’t see anyone utilizing these
- H5, don’t ask me. I don’t know
To sum up headings for you blog posts, the goal is to guide the reader’s eyes to where you want to point them to.
If you don’t use headings in your content, your audience won’t see anything but a mass of text. No one wants that.
But if you use too many headings in a blog post, the reader won’t know where to look. That’s not going to help with keeping their attention.
And it creates another wasted conversion. Bummer.
5. Write Your Blog Post Like You’re Talking to Your Readers
If you want to keep people under your influence, your content needs to be engaging.
I get tired of reading blog posts that are written like someone’s academic essay.
Those are boring. Like, boring boring. (That’s was some much needed emphasis)
If you want to write that way, go apply for an essay writing job. There are plenty of those on the market. If that’s the case, blogging’s not for you. Simple.
So how are you going to “write like you talk?”
Imagine your readers are in front of you. You don’t have anything in your hand. No notes, no nothing.
Now get the ideas you want in your blog post out to them. Talk to your readers about something.
Don’t just talk about something. Talk to them about something.
If you’re talking with a reader who took some valuable time out of their day to read your blog post, shouldn’t you give some value to that little friendship?
Have a conversation with the user (in your head) and, in your blog post, write out what you “say.”
As a side note, this tends to help you get longer content as well, which is perfect for ranking on Search Engine Results Pages because when you talk, there’s that “talky” punch.
I don’t know how to describe it, but if you follow this best practice for writing your blog posts, you’ll see for yourself what I mean.
Write your blog’s content in an informal and conversational tone.
Sure, you may ask why informal instead of formal. After all, we’re creating a business, right?
Look, you’re not talking to your boss. You’re not talking to a client. You’re talking to people just like you.
Whoever reads your blog posts could care less about how formal you are. That’s just going to waste your time as you look for the best way to write “such and such.”
And, wasting time means…wasting potential for readers.
A short debrief: talk then write.
6. Listed Content in Your Blog Posts
Things that stand out are things that aren’t words in paragraphs.
This includes headings, graphics, and other “bigger” stuff, but here I’m going to be talking about content in your blog posts that’s typically small but effective at keeping your reader’s attention.
And, you know it, attention equals conversion. In informal business terms, money.
So I’m still going to assume you’ve started your blog already and you’ve got some content but you need to add more attraction to your blog posts.
Or you haven’t started yet but you’re planning to.
That doesn’t matter because what we’re talking about in this section of this article is this: •
No matter how good your content is, you’re going to need something like that little dot in your blog posts.
- It helps you get your ideas out.
- They help keep your ideas semi-organized.
- Bullets separate content from the rest of the blog post.
- They look good (kind of).
- And they let me do this.
Why shouldn’t you use bullet points?
You want your content to look boring. There’s nothing important to share. This list isn’t important enough to emphasize. You want your blog post to look crappy. You want your content to look like this.
So, do you think your loyal readers would like to read that?
Or would they rather read a list like this?
- You want your content to look boring.
- There’s nothing important to share.
- This list isn’t important enough to emphasize.
- You want your blog post to look crappy.
- You want your content to look like this.
They’re the same lists. Same content, same font, same style, but different formatting.
Hope you get it because there’s nothing more to explain about using bullet points in your blog posts. You’ve seen the proof yourself.
7. Add Color to Your Blog Posts
I like color. Bet you do too.
If you want to maximize conversions and attention to your blog posts, you’ll need some form of a visual.
Why don’t I have that many images on my posts? I’m too lazy to find pictures to use. But I’ll update them soon enough haha.
You ever heard of the saying “a picture is worth a thousand words?”
I can’t tell you the extent of it’s truth, but it’s right in what it means. If that makes sense.
We’re humans. And as humans, we’re naïve, slow, and selective.
Our brains are selective as well, preferring visual content over text. Sure, some people would rather read a book than look at an infographic.
But most of your audience probably won’t favor reading books over “quick access, quick use” information.
If you’re on a shortage of good places to find the perfect pictures and images for your blog posts, here’s a guide on how to find royalty free images for your blog posts.
It might take some time to get the “perfect” ones, but you don’t have to start off being so sophisticated.
Since you probably just got started writing blog posts, I would recommend just getting photos from those free image sites like in the link above. That’s what I’m doing right now.
But as you progress and scale your business, I’d recommend taking your own photos or going to a premium image stockpile to “upgrade” your visuals.
Anyways, just start simple, you’ll see a difference in the time spent on your blog posts. And longer time spent gives your blog’s content the favor of search engines.
8. Give Your Blog Post a Compelling CTA
This is usually in the form of a subscription or sign-up like you’ve probably seen on just about every page of my blog.
But, say, you don’t want to go through all that trouble doing email lists, sending automated emails and all that.
That’s where social media comes in.
A CTA is pretty much just a “demand” to do something. It really doesn’t have to be signing up for an email list, although that’s certainly effective.
If you’re an established blogger or business owner, perhaps you have your own social media group and pages?
You could simply include those at the end of your blog posts, or even in the sidebar of every post.
Already have that? Perfect, but there’s still room for more!
Utilize share buttons.
You don’t know how important those little widgets are in your blog posts.
Imagine this:
- One person reads your blog post and finds it intriguing.
- They share it on, say, Facebook.
- They have 5 friends that see the blog post and like your writing
- Those friends share it on their social media accounts
- Repeat from step 1
Let me ask you this question: What do you think results from this sharing chain reaction?
Let me answer the question: Your blog post reaches out to more than you could’ve done without that outreach.
So get those Call to Actions rolling and clicking!

You don’t have time to waste. Time wasted is readers wasted.
Also, don’t forget to make them look good, after all, who’s going to click on a button in your blog post if the button’s doesn’t stand out the good way?
How do you make a CTA compelling?
- Make the text a different color, if it’s in the middle of regular text.
- Make a custom button with a border and all.
- Make it sticky on scroll so readers see it the whole time (some don’t like that for obvious reasons though, keep that in mind).
There are lots more ways, but these are just the basic CTA composing strategies for blog posts. They’re simple, but they work!
9. Blog Post SEO
This is undoubtedly one of the best strategies to promote your blog and get your blog posts read and seen by the biggest audience of readers you can reach and convert.
I’d like to tell you that I saved the best for the last (my opinion), but sadly, I didn’t really think about that. (Sorry readers, I’ve let you down)
Anyways, this is the key to getting conversions. Or even getting the chance to get searchers to convert to readers.
Without SEO (on-page), your blog post isn’t going to get anywhere.
Why would you write something that no one’s going to see?
Wouldn’t it just be a waste of your precious time?
SEO covers a lot of topics including backlink acquisition, interlinking in your blog posts, utilizing meta tags…enough to be it’s own blog post, but I’ll put out the basics down right here right now.
You need to target a keyword.
What’s that? It’s a word your blog post likes. Really, no kidding.
Choose a word you want potential readers or customers to type into a Search Engine, like Google.
Got the word in your mind? Great.
Add that keyword into your title and headings.
By doing this, Search Engines can see what your blog post is supposed to be about and thus lets you progress further in their algorithm.
But I’m going to tell you this ahead of time, so your expectations aren’t too high:
- You’re not the only one doing what you’re doing
- There are hundreds to thousands, maybe millions going for the same word you’re going for
- It takes time, real time
Get that keyword into your content
When you’re writing your blog post, make sure you include the targeted word or phrase a sufficient amount of times.
How do you know it’s good enough? You don’t, it depends on a huge range of other outside factors including, but not limited to:
- Competitors for that keyword
- Credibility of your site
- Content lengths of others
SEO Tools
If you ask me, these are the absolute basics. For the specifics, start doing competitor analysis. Use an SEO tool to analyze different keywords, domains, etc.
These are a couple that I’ve used:
- Moz
- Ubersuggest
- Google Search Console
- SemRush
These vary in pricing and some may be a lot more than you can afford (I don’t even use the expensive plans), but there are ways you can immediately boost your blog post’s standing on the keyword platform.
Simply start by applying all the Hot Tips For Writing Blog Posts I’ve included in this article.
Trust me, that’ll be a wonderful start.
Get Start Writing Blog Post Content
Yeah, I agree. You’ve done enough reading for now.
It’s time to start getting started writing your blog posts.
Again, apply these best blog post writing practices, you won’t regret your return on investment.
TL;DR, these are the MUST HAVES for blog posts:
- A Captivating Title / Headline For Your Blog Post
- Neat Looking Content
- Headings
- A Tone / Formality Your Content’s Audience Wants
- Stand Out Content Within Your Blog Post
- Some Color
- A Compelling CTA (Call To Action)
- And finally, SEO
Yep, that list was copied and pasted from above with a couple of minor tweaks, but hey, I’m all about saving time when writing blog posts.
Hope you like to do that too, enjoy.

There’s no time to waste, start writing your blog content NOW. No matter how many blog posts you have, it’s ALWAYS essential to have the content optimized for reader satisfaction and conversions from Search Engines.
2 Responses
Thanks for this guide Ricky! It’s really helped me a lot with writing my content! 🙂
No problem James, glad to help!